Week 14 DSJ: 220523 - 220529

Week 14 DSJ: 220523 - 220529
Photo by Phil / Unsplash

DSJ = Data Science Journey

Welcome to one of my DSJ series blogs! Every week, I make a DSJ blog to document my data science learning and practicing for the past week, along with some inspirational thoughts.

I hope you enjoy this DSJ blog!

Weekly highlight

  • Finish one Udemy MySQL course
  • Finish my 1st #66ofdata Challenge

Testimonial from my client

Anqi is an outstanding freelancer, Python coder, and data scientist. She excels in understanding complex problems quickly and reliably. Very recommended!

Anqi is a highly skilled data scientist and enthusiastic Python freelancer. Highly recommended!
—— Christian Mayer, CEO of Finxter

Final Thought

I make good things happen to me. Fight on! Optimism is a muscle!